pregnant again?

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    Hi, in new here. I have a 1 y/o daughter named Morgan. Well, me & my bf had unprotected sex last month(jan) & it happend to be the day i ovulated. My period was suppose to come Jan. 27 but it didnt. Its a week late & i dont know what to do. Im scared to take a test. My breast are swollen and a little tender but im also having these light cramps. I never went through with this with Morgan. Could anyone give me advice on what to do or what’s causing these cramps. I would really appreciate it.


    Well I know that when I was pregnant before I had these cramps so I kept thinking my period was coming but it didn’t show up. So you could be pregnant. From what alot of ladies have told me, every pregnancy can be different each time. The second time I was pregnant I barely had any cramps at all.HTH:)


    Well, I was also sapose to start my period on Jan 26. I took a test wednesday before I was even a week late and It showed up possative right away. I really think you should take a test, putting it off just causes more axiaty. Once you fine out if you are, you can at least start thinking about what you are going to do. Im not sure about the cramps, I have some weird cramp like feelings also, and I read somewhere that feeling movement down there is normal. if you are pregnant there is alot going on in there. I was prenant 7 years ago so I dont remember if I had it before or not. You need to take a test as soon as possibel I think. Good Luck!


    heya, they are pregnancy symptoms and you get them first usually before any other symptom. i think it would be ok for you to take a test nw. it might not show up yet but even if it says negative you still could be pregnant. do you want this baby if you are? luv beth

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