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  • #15396

    hi im pregnant so what should i be doing to keep my baby healthy, as in what kinds of food should i be eating etc etc

    any information will be very helpful


    Girl if you want alot of info, get the book ‘What to expect when expecting’,it helped me with all my questions and concerns. Well you know the basics, no drinking, smoking, lifting heavy stuff or doing strenuous exercises, no lifting above your head, don’t take in too much salt… And if you haven’t been to the doc yet, you gotta go cause they give you vitamins that you gotta take so your baby will develope normally. Just eat good, you know what that means. I must say, I’m in the 8th month and still eat like I always have, not many fruits and healthy foods. My baby is very healthy and almost done cookin in there! : ) So just take care of yourself! Good luck! Sarah


    Well walking is good because it helps your body prepare for birth and keeps your heart in good shape (dont over do it though) I cant give you the best advice on a nutrisious diet but Im sure your doctor can. Make sure you drink lots of water and take your prenatals 🙂 have a great pregnancy and keep us all informed of how you are doing 🙂 Meg


    Try to have 6-10 servings of fruit and vegetables, breads and cereals 8-10 servings, milk and milk products 3-5 servings, meat and meat alternates 3 servings. That is a basic and ideal diet.Or go to a health unit and ask for a food guide. Always take your prenatal multivitamin!!! Good luck…

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