Pregnancy test question..

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    Alright…2 weeks ago i was feeling really sick, i broke into cold sweats, was really dizzy, and felt sick to my stomach alot….my breasts hurt so badly…my period was due, so i was slightly worried.. (i already have one daughter, who is 2)my boyfriend supported the decision to get a test although he was obviously scared out of his mind at the results…and it was negative. The next morning i took another one, JUST to be sure since i know *IF* you are early along enough that if you take it at night you could get a false negative…well that was negative too..however the line did a funny little thing…and it was really wide compared to the previous one. (for the record, i dipped the first test in a cup of urine, and actually pee’d directly on the stick the second time)

    well i took that as a negative, and we’ve had a few parties with some friends where drinking has been involved, etc…

    dont ask why, but i had been so relieved with the negative that i forgot to throw the second test away and the box…i was cleaning out my bathroom closet and found it today and there is another line..!! it looks nothing like the other negative test, theres a difference, and now im worried out of my mind that maybe i was so early that it took a little longer than my first tests with my first pregnancy and that by the time it had shown positive i had already assumed it was negative..

    obviously i wouldnt be worried, except my period still isnt here yet. So now im 3 weeks late.

    i know it says to not keep the old tests, but obviously i didnt mean to, and i’ve seen other old negative tests too that look NOTHING like the one i took not too long ago…

    for the record, we also have an ice storm going on right now in iowa so i am unable to rush out and get another test to make sure..

    what i want to know is if in your opinions, i am actually pregnant, and made a rash decision in just assuming the other test was negative because of how early i could have been along..and if so, what are the actually STATISTICS, that because i’ve had at least 3 times where i have drank in the last 3 weeks since that test, thinking it was negative, that my baby will be born with problems *IF* i am and it survives..


    hun dont stress, think of all those woman that abuse alcohol and their kids surprisingly turn out to be healthy. My advice is do another test but only wait no longer than the 5mins i think it is. Being 3 wks late you should get a more accurate result. Keep us updated =)


    Well best advice I can give you is wait until you can get another test and take it. As for the drinking I couldn’t find any statistice actually but don’t worry about if by chance you are pregnant and have drank but you should stop now until you are 100% positive.

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