pregnancy test

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  • #12090

    I took a pregnancy test yesterday but i only wait 3 days after having
    relationtships with my boyfriend and the test came out non-positive but we didn’t use any protection and in fact i want to get pregnant.
    So how many days should i wait to found out that i’m pregnant?:huh:


    I found out at 7 weeks. It would be WAY to early to tell in 3 days. Id give it at least 3 weeks. If you take the test in 3 weeks and it comes out negative, BUT you still think you are prego, go to the OBGYN n get bloodwork b/c some womens hormone levels are too low to come up on a pee test but they are still prego.. Well, that’s what my OB told me anyway. lol Good LUck! 😛


    I found out at 7 weeks. It would be WAY to early to tell in 3 days. Id give it at least 3 weeks. If you take the test in 3 weeks and it comes out negative, BUT you still think you are prego, go to the OBGYN n get bloodwork b/c some womens hormone levels are too low to come up on a pee test but they are still prego.. Well, that’s what my OB told me anyway. lol Good LUck! 😛


    hi! ive heard you should wait seven days after your missed period. im in your same situation too. kinda, trying to get pregnant. my period should come on the 13th but i guess im hoping it doesnt. let us know how everything goes. good luck!


    wait till your period and if it doenst come then do a test


    you should wait for a month before you can find out weather you are pregnant or not because that is what they told me at the family planning they said that i had to wait until i had a period or not but i had a period and i still did a test and it turned out posative and now i’m 6 months and still having periods:)


    i found out when i was 6 weeks pregnant

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