Pregnancy Skin Issues?

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    I used to have nice skin and never an issue with acne up until I was about 3 months pregnant. Then, I started getting breakouts that consisnently got worse and worse and continue to get worse and I’m 6 months now! I’m self concious enough, as it is, and my breakouts aren’t doing anything to help me. Also, my skin is becoming discolored and a little blotchy. Make-up is my top-priority now and it helps somewhat. I’m also concerned that my boyfriend will get really irritated with me complaining so often about it.

    Did anyone else have skin problems like these? What did you use for relief?


    This is so normal but it is really irritating none the less…I would recommend getting some oxy pads or clearasil pads and keeping your face clean, wash it int he morning at bedtime and then use those pads during the day as needed to keep your face clean and oil free, My daughter is 14 weeks tomorrow and my face is now going back to normal, I still get a few blemishes here and there but nothing like pregnancy was, I hardly ever got zits even as a teenager but all three of my pregnancies gave me horrible skin, I have also heard that people who have horrible skin problems end up with beautiful skin during pregnancy so it can be an opposite thing, it will only last for so long just be sure to not pick, you scar more easily when you are pregnant….hang in there and know that even when you are broken out there is nothing more beautiful than an expecting mommy!!! Love Meg


    hey my sis in law went through that… she swears by a lil tea tree oil after washin ur face b4 bed… her acne subsided after the birth of my nephew


    Well, I don’t know much about acne during pregnancy, but I had acne when I was in my early teens and the only things that worked for me was drinking a lot of water and avoiding sugar (especially chocolate) 🙂

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