“post”- ejaculate

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    So, what happened was… my older sister’s boyfriend ejaculated first… and after a while, went inside of her. We haven’t seen anything so far about any "POST"-ejaculate.. but is it possible that you could get pregnant from this?

    Do guys even have anything left after ejaculating? It’s only been a couple days, but we just want to know if anybody knows anything about this. Thanks.



    The chances certainly wouldn’t be as high as if he had ejaculated inside her, but If there was still any semen on his penis from ejaculation, or if there was any pre-ejaculate released when he went inside her, than there is a slight chance that there could have been sperm and your sister could have gotten pregnant. Chances are likely that your sister will be fine. At two days it would be way to early to do any sort of test, but if she misses her next period and/or starts to show potential pregnancy symptoms she should take a test to find out for sure.


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