Possibly Pregnant?

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    This past Tuesday I thought I was to expect my period but tuesday came and went. I then developed a constant headache that lasted til wednessday night (still no period) Thursday night I was so bloated it looked at if I was a month or two along (still nothing) Friday still bloated but not as puffy as thursday night.
    I am on a prenantal Vitamin ion preparation for a possible preganacy since I discontinue my birthcontrol pills I think the weekend of christmas. If I calulate it I would have started a new pack Christmas eve but We decided not to. So that week I was period free. My husband and I had a lot of sex while we were on vacation and this week 1/14-1/19 I feel as though I should have had my period but there is nothing, just little elevated discharge. I took 5 ept tests and nothing all negative.
    Can you be a whole week late and not be pregnant after you just came off the bc pill for ~5years?


    yes actually my sister did that.ur body could get use 2 the pills and while ur on the pills ur prd is clockwise but w/ out the pill ur prd my skip or be real late.so maybe ur not pregeant.


    i heard coming off the pill can mess u up a little bit after…but then again, i’ve also heard the best time to take a pregnancy test is at least a week after a missed period. so i’d try again next tuesday if no period shows up. or go to the Dr for a blood test if u can, that would give u a definate answer.

    let e know how it goes goodluck xx

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