possible baby drivin me crazii

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    ladii m

    okay i’ve been losing my mind because i got my period but it only lasted an hour and i’m scared because i’m only in my second year of college and i have no clue how to tell my boyfriend because we’ve only been dating for three months i have no clue as to what he’ll say he alreadii has a three year old daughter and i have two i mean we used protection and the condom broke one time i thought i was being careful and my period has never done this before and i’m always sick and he’s always askin why and i’m scared to take a test and have it come out positive also scared that he’ll leave what should i do if i test postive do i keep the baby or do i go on with my life and have an abortion with out telling him about the baby help me


    Oh girl, I wouldnt suggest having an abortion though.
    Firstly, though, I wouldnt stress until youve actually done the test. What if youve just being stressing out about it over nothing?
    I guess it is a tricky situation; but I really would caution against having an abortion. Read all the girls on this site that are so upset after having them, read the real facts about abortion, Im sure you know friends just like i do thatve had abortions n regret it, sometimes even only a few yrs down the track.
    But my advice would be to do that test first, and then sit down and figure out a plan for action. Not doing the test wont make your baby go away if you actually are pregnant.
    Xx feel free to msg Kat ps im a single nineteen yo mama with a two yr son:)


    DO NOT HAVE AN ABORTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    please take a test and you have to tell him. U can’t go on with your life by getting a secret abortion. I haven’t had an abortion but I have a baby and that is too much pain to have to go through. Just please hear me out and think long and hard about this decision.

    ladii m

    okay i took the test this morning and it came back positive and i took another and another and they all said positive and i heard everyone i know what abortions can do to your body i know how bad they are i know i have done over ten big projects on them i just don’t know what to do right now my options are open anything i mean he has a three year old daughter already and i have two girls my self another baby right now is crazii i’m only in my second year of college and i can’t afford to take a year off right now honsetly i have no clue as to how he’ll feel and i plan on telling him tonight and i’ll keep you all posted on what happens and thanx for the advice before i consider an abortion i’ll consider something else


    Oh girl, there you go. You have taken care of the two girls what about that lovely soul you may be carrying. Remeber you are brave enough to open up to people which gives me courage you wont have abortion as the first priority.
    what scares me is that you are worried of your man and his reaction. Have value for your decision and let every decision start with you. You can win the confidence of your lover by talking openly to him. first appreciate that life in you then you will go out to any other.
    KEEP YOUR BABY. Thats the worlds greatest solution to the problems today.
    Take a brilliant stand my friend


    Dont worry relax, im 6 months preggo and when I found out I was pregnant I had only been dating my boyfriend for 2 months, but we actually get along really well and recently he gave me my engagement ring. Im actually really excited and I was in my 1st yr of college, but things work out!!!!!

    Im having a boy in feb 2008B)

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