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  • #17835

    I am having symptoms of being pregnant but I don’t know if I am b/c my period isn’t due for another week. I am on birth control, but all he did was finger me but he unzipped his pants with me right there and I don’t know if anything got on me…Is there anyway that I could be pregnant…or is it just my head?????

    I have heard that its possible but I have also heard that its not…I really need help…


    i doubt it very much unless sperm got into you its not really poss. take a test


    If he just fingered you there would be no chance in getting pregnant but sometimes theres like that 2% chance that you could, Sometimes you feel like your pregnant because your scared (its happened to me too) but just wait for your period and if it is late by like 2 or 3 days then go to a doctor or buy a home test.

    good luck = ]


    Hi, considering the circumstances it is highly unlikely that you are pregnant, in fact the chances of pregnancy from unprotected sexual intercouse are only around 20%, (this is not to say it’s a good idea to play the odds). It is also quite rare to experience many pregnancy syptoms before the date of a missed period as hormone levels are very low at this stage.

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