PLZ Help!

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  • #13868

    Hi plz help me i need an advice! my bf n i had sex but then i took this emergency pill after to prevent me from gettin pregnant! however my period has been one week late already n im startin 2 get worried! could it b late just coz of the pill? in the instructions it says it can "distirb" ur period or somefin…but is it normal 2 b late after u have taken one of these pills? Im 15 n if i get pregnant my life will b over… wot should i do..?


    Well, number one, your life wont be OVER if you get pregnant, your life will just change. and number two, if it says that it could "disturb" you rperiod, that means that there is a posiblility that your period could be late. Just be careful!


    Well, number one, your life wont be OVER if you get pregnant, your life will just change. and number two, if it says that it could "disturb" you rperiod, that means that there is a posiblility that your period could be late.


    If it says it can disrupt your normal menstrual flow, then that’s probably what is happening, especially if implantation did occur. Just watch closely for symptoms this next month…


    I am not a pharmacist, and I’ve never taken the "morning after pill", but I am a young mother of two who has worked in pharmacy for almost 7 years. Yes, those "morning after pills" can affect your period, but you may want to take a pregnancy test just in case. Especially if this was not the first/only time you’ve had sex. Those pills are intended to prevent a conception, but in most cases will not terminate an existing pregnancy. In fact one of the two brands available – Preven – actually came with a pregnancy test so that this could be determined ahead of time. (A pregnany test will only detect the hormone if you are to a certain point – around 2 weeks after conception or 4 weeks after your last period). The other brand which is more widely used – Plan B- does not come with a test. In most cases women who took the pill after they were already several weeks pregnant, went on to carry a healthy full-term baby if they choose not to abort.

    If you have any more questions, I’ll try my best to answer them. And I’ll be praying for you! – Heather

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