Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t worry yet :side:
Periods can be late cos of stress, change in diet and exercise and even just for no reason at all 🙂
Also, if you do start experiencing symptoms, it might not be cos you’re pregnant, it might just be cos you’re so worried that you are. That happened to me, I had my periods and took two negative tests but I was like 100% sure I was still pregnant cos I had loads of symptoms. Eventually I went to a clinic and the nurse read another negative test, that reassured me more and since that all my symptoms have been going away. There could be a chance that you could be pregnant cos of the whole pre-cum thing, which is why I was so worried, but just cos your period’s a few days late it doesn’t mean you’re pregnant :side:
If you still have doubts take a test, and if that still doesn’t put your mind at ease, go to a clinic, they’re free and 100% confidential 😉
Good luck 🙂