please, set my mind at rest.

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    hello people, i am in a bit of a muddle right now.

    my last period started on the 19th of december and my last few cycles have only been 26 days. which would have meant that i was due again on monday the 15th, just passed. However, as you may have already guessed, it hasn’t arrived.

    my partner and i are trying for a baby, so we’d be delighted with a positive result.

    Although, i have been feeling a little tingly around the bottom of my tummy (possibly due to a recently acknowledged infection!), my beasts are tender (my nipples want to drop off!) and i’ve been feeling quite run down and dizzy…… when i did 4 tests this week they all came out neg!

    please could someone please shed a little light on this for me, as my doc wasn’t very helpful and, i’m living on tender hooks.

    thank you so much for your time – wishing you all the best.



    you still may be pregnant…although the packet says "take on the day of ur missed period" alot of the time its best to do it at least a week later, then the test can pick up the pregnancy hormone better 🙂

    saying that u may just be having a late month…everyone has them now and again…i do!

    did the Dr take a blood test for u? that would give u the most accurate answer 🙂

    good luck xx

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