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    i am pregnant about 5 weeks now,my bf well im not with him nemore but he has already got a baby whos not even 2 months old yet,his not with his ex but he left her 8months preg to be with me :S and he still wants to see his baby but has to see his ex as well and im very annoyed bout that cuz she didnt no about me so i dont no wat they were doin while he used to c his baby,we split up and got back together 2 times now and each time he asked his ex back out but he told me it was only because he wanted to be with his baby because she wouldnt let him see her sometimes, not im pregnant my parents r angry at him because he has upset me alot before and his mom is angry cuz hes got another baby on the way now :S he sed he wants to be with me but he needs time to think,im angry bcuz i need time to and im so confused 🙁 should i have an abortion? but i did want a baby but these circumstances are not wat i planned 🙁 please help me


    Hi, I’m Lissa. People can say that having an abortion brings back yesterday, that it takes away our problems. It’s very confusing being pregnant and not knowing what is the right choice. There is help. And there are right and wrong anwsers.

    Maybe someone has had an abortion, but there is God’s mercy and forgivnes. But, when we know what is the right choice we have to make the right decision. Abortion isn’t going to solve real problems.

    There are a lot of people who truly care, and would like to help you out, if you want, or they can just talk to you and give you support. There is a free phone number Birthright : 1-800-550-4900 (It’s open 24 Hours) and a helpfull website,

    If you want to talk, or have any questions, just email me at any time.

    god bless you!

    Lissa 02

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/31 14:54


    no dont have an abortion the baby is a human being the first movements are amazing sweetie you just need to take and love and care dor this baby your mom and dad will help im sure


    Well I sorta know how you feel. My fiance’s ex had his baby in around August and he has seen the baby and has to be with her when he sees him because his ex wont let him take the baby anywhere. And she makes up excuses so he cant see him. Its riduculous. I used to get mad when he had to be around her to see the baby but…. if you really love someone and trust them then you shouldn’t worry, because if you want to be with him and he wants to see his other baby then you have to accept it. If you do end up being with him, ask if you can go with him and wait outside or go in with him or if his ex can bring the baby somewhere in a neutral territory! But if you think he is sneaking arounf with her then get rid of him! You dont need a cheating man in your life to stress you out. To much stress can put strain on your body and make you have a miscarriage. It happened to my sister twice. How old are you anyways? I dont think you should have an abortion. There are other options. you could have the baby and put it up for adoption. And if you did that you could maybe have it so its an open adoption so you can still be part of the babys life. Or you could have the baby and raise it and maybe you will find a man someday that will be with you and love you and your baby. Abortions can be very very depressing. My sisters friend had two and she regreted it and still does. Dont think you have to get rid of your baby just cause some guy is a jerk! Well let me know how everything goes and I hope you reply back and let me know if I helped out at all. Good Luck


    THe only thing I would liketo advise is that you think aobut the daddy you are providing for your child. He/she will only ever have one and te interaction between them will shape who this little person becomes and how they view relationships, etc. I think too often women think about "opur" relationship and not abou the future relationships of our children.


    when i was 19, i had my first baby. i was naive, scared and
    had no money and no job. my bf was just as scared.
    i want to encourage you to stay strong, you can make your own
    difference in your life and your baby’s with or without the bf.
    I hope it all works out for you with your bf, but if not, this is your baby
    now, i am much older, my first baby is 21, a college student, a sweet and
    intelligent young man with so much potential. i am now pregnant with
    baby #3. a boy due in March. my baby #2 is a 15 year old high school
    sophomore. I dont know what my life would be without my boys.
    The love and joy they give me is almost not describable.

    I stayed the course, went to nursing school and have a nice life now.
    You can do it too. You can make a good life for yourself and your
    kids! I wish you the best.


    If he’s a two timer ADIOUS!!!! Good Riddence to bad rubbish is all I have to say…but make sure or you will always question if you did the right thing. If you have an abortion you will always remeber what might have been what you might have had what they would have looked like and what they would have grown up to be, you will wonder what their first word would have been or when they would have first said mama. You will miss looking through their eyes and seeing your soul wrapped up inside of them..everyday you will miss them and ever year you will plan their would have been birthday party in your head. But the option is yours not to WONDER but to KNOW. To be there. To be part of something that is the greatest thing in the world and to give the gift of LIFE. I left my x when I was 3 mos pregnant and I have never turned back. It was hard but we did it together my daughter and I. And now she’s 5 and she has the BEST Daddy she could have ever dreamed of and I love him.

    Do whats right for you, but I would strongly reccommend living lifes moments and not spend them Wondering.

    All the best


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