Please help my friend

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    I have this 21 year old friend from work who always talks about being pregnant and starting a family of her own. she has no boyfriend, partner and there is no one in her life right now that she is romantically interested in.
    out of the blue today she told me that one of her guy friends has said that he will be the father but he only wants to do it naturally. she would prefer not to but feels she has no choice. How can i try to talk some sense into her because i wanted to have a baby and now i am finding myself pregnant and i realized this is not what i wanted after all.
    Thank you all


    Hey Wishihadafamily17!

    Im glad you chose to write us for encouragement and help! πŸ™‚ I would try and recommend for you friend to do something else that keeps her mind busy! Having a baby without having a stable relationship is hard, maybe have her baby sit or get a job working with children? volunteer at a shelter! It seems to me she just has a need to ‘mother’ or ‘care’ for something or someone! those needs might be full-filled through these things!
    As for you, I would suggest clicking the link above on the right to find a pregnancy resource center around your area! They can help you get through the emotional roller coaster of first finding out you are pregnant, and get you some classes! Dont worry, things will be ok, and being pregnant is the most beautiful thing on earth! πŸ™‚ You’re a mommy now! There is a baby in your belly, with a heartbeat! πŸ™‚ the PRC can also help you find places that can help you finacially, such as WIC, Food Stamps all that stuff! Plus they have a great program to help you cloth, and get diapers for baby! πŸ™‚ If you still feel you are unable, they can also help you find a place of adoption! There is a loving family out there who would be so grateful to care for your baby! πŸ™‚

    Best of luck to the both of you, and please keep us posted!
    if you needed anything or have any questions we are here! <3



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