HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms PLEASE HELP-I DONT HAVE ANYBODY

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    Please help me someone-I am 14 and I think I may be pregnant, I don’t know what to do. I looked at some simptoms and I have been noticing some of them. I have no idea what to do and the father has no idea, my mom would kick me out and I would have nowhere to go. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!



    Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? Before you panic to much you should take a test to find out whether you are pregnant for sure or not. Perhaps you could have a freind with you when you take the test for support. If you are pregnant there is help out there. Don’t panic and have an abortion because you are afraid to tell your mom. She may be upset at first, but it might turn out that she will be more supportive than you might think. Good luck.




    I’m sorry you feel so alone! You really need to take a test to see if you are pregnant. You can get a free, confidential test by going to or calling 1-800-395-HELP. If you are pregnant, they’ll also be able to connect you with resouces to help you through your pregnancy. Hang in there!


    take a test hun, and if you are tell your mom, i swore my parents would kick me out and they didnt, they redid the guest room as a nursery and my mom watched her everyday while i go to class and gets up with her from 2am on when i have classes the next day. if you are really afraid to tell her wait til your a little further along, it makes it more concrete


    my heart goes out to you. i was 13 when i found out i was pregnant. my boyfrien was 14. first of all take a pregnancy test.DONT PANIC UNTIL YOU HAVE REASON TO PANIC!! your not alone i thought i was but i was wrong, exetremely wrong. i am 15 now nad exepecting my second child. my boyfriend and i have plans to marry as soon as i finish school. if you need to talk please feel free to email me. i would really like to help you.


    What area do you live in? Most cities have a Crisis Pregnancy Center. They will help. I have 6 children…3 daughters your age, and I am pregnant right now.

    Call the help line 1 (800)672-2296

    Two of my sisters got pregnant before they go married. Big oops for them! They worked it out with my parents and things are great now.

    Do you think your parents will do physical harm to you if you tell them? Parents are smart and will figure out things we cannot. They will be mad at first, but they know what is best for you because they love you.

    If you have missed your period and feel sick to your stomach….you may be pregnant.

    I would love to hear how you are doing, My name is Angela.

    I will tell you this, you are to be under your parents’ authority because God has placed you there.

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2005/11/05 13:35


    [i] u r gonna be fine. you have loads of options and parents will suprise you. i was worried 6 when i got pregant at 17. i waited 6 months to tell my mum. when i told her shewas the most suportive ever. my emailis cha to me anytime. it is a big disiscion wich you can’t jump to. but there is loads of help and support whatever you choose to do. u will be ok no matter what happens. maybe here from you soon. thought with you. take care

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