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    well and foremost i must say that im very very embarassed….but i blamed myself for what i did…….ok here is my story! on may 1st me and my boyfriend had a very big fight , i left that very same day….so on may 2nd i slept with someone else…..but i did used a condom…my last period was on april 8…..i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend in april….more than once….and i slept with the other guy on may 2….but he did use a condom….my next period was supposed to start on may 6……but it did’nt,i took a home pregnancy test on may 10th and it came back positive… now 34 week pregnant and im due on january 13th….im measureing right where i should be according to my doctor….but i still cant seems to stop worrying….i also had an early vaginal sonogram on june 5th which confirmed that i was in my 9th week of pregnancy…who do u guys think is the father ? just your opinion needed please….thanks in advance.

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/12/04 13:41


    If you were supposed to get your period on the 6th, I doubt you were ovulating on the 2nd when you had sex with this other guy. I mean it depends on how regular your cycle is but odds are it’s your boyfriend’s baby. And if the sonogram said 9 weeks in early June then you conceived way earlier than May, even before you got in the fight.

    There’s no harm in getting a DNA test just to be sure but I wouldn’t be too worried about it. Just talk to your ob/gyn and make sure you didn’t get any STDs from that guy- you said he used a condom, but still, check, because they can cause pregnancy complications.

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