Please Give Advice!!

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  • #18227
    New Mommy

    i am 15 years old, 5 weeks, and 2 days as of today. i dont want to tell my mom until she finds out, but i need to go to the doctor. so how do i do that?? can you just pay for the app. like over the counter without it going through insurance?? because if i use my insurance my mom will find out. and im not ready for that yet. so either tell me what you did, or tell me what you think i should do please.!! thank you!


    well 1st of all congradulations!

    OK, how do you feel about the pregnancy??have you decided what you want to do regards keeping your baby/addoption etc?you can just make an app with your GP and pay there and then,but when ringing for your app, confirm this over the ph.

    you can write to me on my personal pg!


    Honey, paying for it can cost a pretty penny. Your only 15 years old. How would you pay for every appointment? Your best suggestion is to go with the insurance && better yet, tell your mom asap. If you keep putting it off, you will NEVER feel ready to tell her. Telling her now seems scary but believe me she will be less mad NOW than she will in 2 months.


    Well My best friend Tina was pregnant and she was the same age as you. She is 16 now with a beautiful baby boy named Anthony. She didn’t tell her mom until she was at least 3-4 months. because thats when she started showing. Well she went to clinics. Im pretty sure they are free or don’t cost that much, but tell your mom when you feel comfortable. Tina told her mom while I was there, she started crying and said that she made a stupid desicion that changed her life. Her mom cried for awhile, they didn’t tell her dad for awhile because he gets angry really fast. Her mom talked to her father about it, he didn’t talk to her for awhile, and Her boyfriend Taylor wasn’t allowed to see her for a very long time. Only short visits when her dad wasn’t there. but now everything is really good.

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