Please girls! Help me, its torturing me!!!

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    Hi everyone,
    i was wondering if i have more than 50% chance of being pregnant. please help me! i have hardly any possibility of getting a pregnancy test or going to the doctor.. So i REALLY need you girls to help me!!

    Here are my symptoms:
    – I’m 10 days late
    – My breasts are huge and painful
    – I have some cramping randomly (and not even everyday)
    – I have to eat every 3 hours or I feel extremely dizzy and faint (i dont black out though), i feel weak, like my body is exhausted
    – I have this weird mucus (sorry for the information but i really need help). Its like white and smelly and its kind of a lot.. I have to wipe it off cuz its really uncomfortable

    I think thats about everything that i’ve felt lately..
    Is there a high chance of me being pregnant.

    Thank you so much for those who will give me their opinion!
    I’m waiting!
    Thank you!!


    it definitely sounds like it. but you can never be too sure without a test. you need to check that out. i’m sure you could find a way. good luck..

    best wishes,


    Yea I think its pretty safe to say that you have a pretty high chance of it. Those sound like pregnancy symptoms and if you are late, and you have been sexually active, then yes it is a very high chance. All except the last symptom were what I had as mine. If you can find a pregnancy center by you then you will be able to get a free pregnancy test. Look online to see if you have any pregnancy center near you, and they are free and confidential. Hope everything works out and you are able to find out soon


    Thank you soooo much for your help 😀
    Well, I have been sexually active but I had to move to another country so basically, I ovulated 6 to 7 days after my last unprotected intercourse.. that’s why i’m wondering if its possible! I read online sperm CAN stay up to 7 days… :/ Wat do you think?


    well to me it sounds about right, especially the mucus part because when i was pregnant (had termination at 11 weeks) i had a lot of white discharge and as you said it is very uncomfortable, as well as all the otehr symptoms that you said as well. You really should get a test some how or see a doctor. let me know how it goes, if you need to talk you can message me at any time, im always here to listen and will try and help in any way i can.


    i took a test and… I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!

    I as happy as scared and… I have no idea how i’m going to tell my parents nor how i’m going to get a job.. I am meant to start university in september which i doubt is going to happen..

    Do you have any idea on how to get a job? what kind (with no education)? How did you do it??

    Thanks for ur help 🙂 xxx


    Just tell your parents sit them down then tell them, that way they can be prepared. It’s normal for them to have a shock so don’t think it isn’t. When i got pregnant i was 15 and nobody would take 15 year olds on so when i got to 16 it was too late to find a job. Look in the obvious places like mcdonalds, caffi, sales jobs ask around shops when you go out someone might take you on. Good luck


    congratulations 😀 i sorta hope i am to. iv been having alot of the symptoms to, since you have highschool education you can work off that id sudjest a job at any food place they tend to hire everyone and anyone

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