please answer me

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    i have a question its gonna be almost 2 weeks that me and my boyfriend had intercourse without protection. and i read all the symptoms because my friend told me to wait and see if i dont get my period but my period isnt gonna come for about another 2 weeks but my body has been changing like i know something isnt right. is it to soon to take a test to get the correct results i was wondering. because like i said i read all the symptoms and i have about 3 of them really bad like the whole nausea feeling i get everytime i eat and i get it really bad in between the hours of like 1 pm to about 3 or 4 pm i also have a lot of sluggish feeling i read that, that usually happens later in pregnancy’s but i have now and then the whole constipation thing dont really want to talk about that..but i just needed someone to answer since its only been 2 weeks is that to soon to tell cuz i know something is wrong but i dont know what and im really clueless on this


    i don’t have much knowlegde or on the subject but I know sometimes that when you get these symptoms that they could also mean something else I have been caught in between periods and had increased hunger and heart burn if you strongly feel and just know that your pregnant you should wait untill you miss your period and then take the test.

    gina lynn

    it is a little to early to take a test. you can take the first response test 3 days before your period is due, but until then your just going to have to wait it out. your symptoms sound like you may be pregnant. good luck.

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