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  • #14283


      i really hope u get this…
      but i really hope u dont have an abortion…

      things work themselves out.. please please dont kill ur child…
      its alive, it has a brain, and a heart beat….

      everyone around me.. my mum.. the father of my baby.. my school.. my teahers n friends… everyone.. told me i HAD to have an abortion and i had no other option..
      im 15.. and im not with the dad…
      BUT i didnt!

      im 17 and a half weeks pregnant!
      ad yeh.. its tough.. but its a miricle.. i have a life growing inside me… part of ME!
      you CAN have a baby.. its hard, but u can be strong, things sort themselves out… please stand up for urself and ur baby.. who can stand up for itself!

      i stood up and sed NO im not killing my child bcos i already love it!
      and im so glad i did!
      on June 12th i will be due to hold a beautiful baby… and u could too one day!

      please reconsider ur abortion… u dont have to! no1 can make u!
      be strong, for ur first ever child, i really belive u can do it!

      please let me know what happens, prayers and thoughts are with u,
      i know its very tough


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