placenta Previa

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    hi i am 28 weeks pregnant and went 2 the hospital last week because i had some brown spotting. i had a emergency ultrasound done and they told me my placenta is covering my cervix. the doctor put me on bedrest for a week in the hospital. finally the spotting stop and they sent me home but i am still on bedrest at home. i am finding this really hard because i have a four year old which is staying with her dad and she is 3 hours away from me. i dont know what 2 expect i am scared cause the nurses are telling me i can bleed anytime. they cant give me any answers only take it one day at a time. i dont know what 2 be doing i miss my little girl so much i dont even know if she can stay with me cause i cant go for walks or attend 2 her when needed. my boyfriend works full time so he wont be here during the day. christmas is coming soon and my doctor said i might have 2 be admitted in the hospital when i am 34 weeks because there is a higher chance of bleeding. here i am dont know what 2 expect cant make any plans for anything dont even know if i am going 2 be home for christmas.i dont know what 2 do i am bored stuck in the house worrying all day . if there is anyone out there that have experience this or know someone who had this would be nice 2 hear from u . take care


    I’m sorry. 🙁

    I had a scare like that a couple weeks ago, but everything turned out fine. My aunt is a RN and she has dealt with this situation many times, and I’ve seen women have perfectly healthy babies!

    It’ll all be worth it in the end and your little baby will be healthy. Just pray! 🙂


    I’m sorry to hear that! I’m not sure if you were saying that you wanted answers but the nurses wouldn’t give them to you, but there is lots of info about placenta previa online.
    I hope that everything works out with your daughter and stuff. 🙂


    Hi ya!
    I just read your comment and felt so sorry for you. I had Major Placenta praevia with my second son Isaac (now 6 months old) I found out on my 20 week scan. Was advised to take it easy but more than likely it would move. Unfortunately it didnt and I started to bleed very bad at 29 weeks (14th Feb). I was admitted to hospital and was told I would have to stay in hospital until my baby was due (27th April). I was gutted to say the least. I have a 2 year old son already and the worst part was I could only see him for 2-3 hours a day. I missed him more than I can even explain. I eventually had Isaac on 16th April after 10 weeks in hospital. But I wanted to say to you everything went fine. I’m healthy and happy and back to being Rueben’s mum again and Isaac is a happy and healthy baby too. If you ever want to have a chat I know what your going through and my thoughts are with you
    Take care xxxx


    its nice 2 know that i am not alone. i have my ultrasound in 2 weeks 2 see if the placenta is moved if not they are going 2 admit me in the hospital around 34 weeks . its not easy i might have 2 spend christmas in the hospital.i am trying 2 think positive and take it one day at a time.thanks for sharing your stories with me i well let u know how everything is after i have my scan. take care !


    i had placenta previa too but thankfully it has moved. it must be so hard staying in bed all day especially with a young child, but it will all be worth it when your baby comes out healthy. good luck and hope everything works out!


    I’m sorry for the waiting and worrying your going thru. I did not have placenta previa but was on bed rest for a short period of time during my pregnancy. My advice would be to think positive it could be worse atleast you know what to do to try to prevent the bleeding. You are very fortunate that you are able to do that as well. I know the days are long but make use of them. Do you do scrapbooking? Or write letters to both of your children. Good news with the 4 year old is he/she will not remember. Worst case your bf and child come and visit you in the hospital, it’s all for a good reason to make sure the baby is ok. Best of luck. Jessica

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