period pains?

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  • #11347

    Heyy everyone! Just somthing quick i wanted to ask.. I’m nearly 7 weeks pregnant.. and i’m a little bit worried because i read that cramps can be a sign of miscarriage. I don’t see my carer for another week and i don’t want to panic about it just yet, but since i found out i was pregnant i’ve been getting slight period pains lasting about 30 seconds at a time then it goes.. i get them about once every 3-5 hours a day.. i’m sure its nothing i just want to make sure my babys ok.. thanks!
    Lolaxxx 🙂


    hi i am about 6wks pregnant and i am experiencing exactly the same thing,no bleeding but really bad period pains,its my first pregnancy so i am not sure eitha on wetha this is normal or not babe sorry but if u find out pls let me know.


    [b]i would ring the carer and talk to her and she what she thinks.It could be the uterus stretching too.


    Hey, I know how overwhelming all the changes in your body can be. Me and my close friend are both pregnant, and we waited on telling everyone because right around our sixth week, we had weird cramps too. I had some spotting, so I went to see my doctor. he said that the spotting is even normal, if it’s not more than 2-3 spots (lil ones) and then the pain is caused by your growing uterus, as it is your first pregnancy. I can also tell you that there is no force, or medicine to stop miscarriage, and it would happen if it’s meant to. All you have to do for the next while is take care of yourself, and that way your baby will take care of him/herself. Stop stressing or go to the doctor to set your mind at ease. I know it’s easier said than done, but trust me, enjoy your sixth week even with all the pain.:) Good luck with your pregnancy

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