At this point you are far enough along to where you shouldn’t be overly concerned with having the baby…we want the baby to stay in for a few more weeks but if these pains are pre-term labor at least you are only a few weeks away rather than months…if you feel uncomfortable don’t hesitate to call your midwife and ask questions…you may be a bit young but there is no reason to treat you like you don’t know what you are feeling…I am not a doctor so please don’t take my advise as though it is medical authority, but…like I said..right before you have the baby weeks, days, etc…your body will begin to prepare…there can be discomfort and pain but if you feel that there is something wrong you need to listen to your body and don’t take no for an answer when it comes to your midwife…she can’t feel what you feel, this is your first baby, you have no previous experience to go off, she should know better than to ignore your fears and requests…just take it easy and make sure you are drinking lots of water, water will help loosen joint and muscle pain sometimes…just hang in there, you don’t have much longer…Love Meg…ps have you written to Dr. Marie??? She would be a good person to go to for medical questions and answers…just click on Ask Dr. Marie and send her an email…