Ovulated last week..too early to tell?

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    I ovulated last week, and this past weekend my breast are so sore and heavy! They are killing me. Is it too early to tell? It seems early to me. But I just feel different.


    this happens to me about 8days before my period then when my period comes it goes away they reckon having your period is bad the 8days before is bad i can barely even wear a bra or have a shower it kills, but every person is different i would wait until the day your spose to get your period if it dosnt show take a test good luck,peace out,.


    thanks for the info. But i have never felt like this before when I’ve had my period. Has anyone else felt pregnant only a week after ovulating?


    Yes, it is very possible to have pregnancy symptoms as soon as a few days after conception. I have experienced symptoms of early pregnancy, (sometimes feels like I have the flu, dizzy, in a fog, can’t focus with my eyes, back cramps, lower abdominal cramping…..are some that I’ve experienced)
    These have come on as early as 7 days after conception……and I was sure I was pregnant, because my husband and I were trying to conceive and knew I had ovulated the week prior.

    Are you married or engaged? I pray that if you are pregnant, you have loving and supportive people to stand up for you and your baby. Are you trying to conceive with your boyfriend? I don’t want to be personal, I’m just trying to figure out how we can best help you.

    To ease your mind, I would wait to get a blood test done when your period is late by about 5 days, and the reading will be very accurate. HPT are an option, but there are so many occasions of inaccurate readings, and the tests being done incorrectly.

    If you need any other questions answered, or need some advice, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

    God bless,


    thanks for the reply! No I’m so blessed we are trying for a baby, my husband and I. I’m so excited if we really are expecting. Ive been a bit sick to my stomach today and yesterday with back pains off and on… so i guess next week i can take a test and see.


    Have you taken a test yet? Make sure to tell us when you do!

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