Well so much for predictions (including from my midwife) that i would have the baby early (jess came 2 days early). Im overdue and the not knowing when she will decide to vacate the premises is killing me. The not knowing when is very hard.
My midwife went through and checked my dates etc this afternoon and came to the conclusion that im definately overdue. She also did a stretch and sweep so hopefully that will kickstart something. Apparently im about 3/4 effaced and 2cm dilated. Bubs is almost fully engaged. I was going to be induced on saturday, but they are fully booked for inductions this week so it’ll be monday most likely. At least she promised that i would not still be pregnant by next tuesday…ha ha. She says i wont need the gels coz i have started to dilate already (so they will be able to break my waters and see what happens). I bet the baby will decide to arrive on sunday, my bday. What a charming way to spend my bday – in labour!!! Hope not…lol..
She thinks i will ‘go soon’ but i remind her that we have been joking about this for the past month. All of this waiting is driving me crazy!
How did everybody else cope? And has anybody got stories of induced labours?