Opinions please!!!

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    ok well first a few facts. I’m 36 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend broke up with me at around 15 weeks (when we found out). He still loved me at the time and begged me to have an abortion but I couldn’t go through with it so he left me. We started seeing each other again a few months later, although he still wasnt happy about the baby and ended up freaking out and ending things again.

    Now we hadnt seen each other in about a month, but the other day I went over to his to drop some of his stuff off. We got talking and I ended up staying there. He seemed so much better about the baby although he still doesnt know what he wants to do. Up until then he’d always refused to feel the baby kick, but this time he seemed keen to feel it and when I showed him this pair of baby booties you should have seen the soppy smile on his face. He even spoke about baby names.

    I’m sure he still loves me but is just scared. He kept saying how much he’d missed me and missed being with me/talking to me. He was so snuggly all weekend and barely let me out of his arms. He went away to start his training with the marines this week. We’ve decided that I’ll give him till october to make his mind up and after that I wont wait around for him, but I dont think he’ll even need that long. He said to let him know when the babys born and he’ll come up and see us both when he gets leave. Do you think it sounds like he’s starting to come around?



    i think he may have been scared at first, the thought to a guy of bringing a new life into the world freaks them out! i think your choice of keeping it was a good one and now that he sees your serious, he will start to be more ok with it.

    just dont push him and he will do it by himself. he may be a bit skiddish at first, but once he sees that beautiful baby u guys made, he will fall in love.
    he just needs some time to clear his head.

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