okay so this is what i’ve been having

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    so friday i started spotting and thought my period was bout to come. it didnt. yesterday i woke up and went to the bathroom and blood came out while i was peeing, i thought oh my period ok. not! it stopped. it’s like a start and stop thing. my breasts are sensitive to touch and my stomach cramping. :S so now what? i thought i would douche but idk if i’m pregnant or not. is it too soon to test? can i be pregnant if this is happening?


    Depending when your period is due, if you had unprotected sex any time within the middle of your cycle you very well could be pregnant. Wait for your period to be late, if it isn’t already and get a blood test done to give you an accurate result.

    I hope all goes well,
    God bless


    hey hun i would suggest taking a pregnancy test a couple days after your missed period. best of luck.



    ok its now the next friday. im still spotting. i cant fit in any pants my stomach is always cramping. my back has been hurting and today my head really hurts alot. idk what to do, but i have a dr appointment monday 🙂


    how did the appointment go?


    the dr said i wasnt prego and that i should get back on birth control. i told him i don’t like how it makes me feel and he still prescribed it. i didnt take it but these past 3 days i started bleeding really heavy. one of my friends said i could have had a miscarriage and to be honest, i’m starting to think i did


    i have a theory… according to the ovulation calendar from my last period on feb. 17 i was supposed to start on march 17. which i woke up that day and thought i started my period but i only bled 2 or 3 days and then it says on the 31st its time to ovulate which i woke up and did bleed but it stopped last night. isnt it possible to still bleed if u are pregnant during ovulation time??


    I’ve never heard of bleeding during ovulation while pregnant….but it seems to me that you’re very concerned whether you had a miscarriage. Unless you go to your doctor and tell him your worries about what has happened within this last cycle, and he gives you a pap test, you will continue to guess about what is going on. If you did have a miscarriage at home and there’s complications internally that you’re unaware of, you could develop an infection. Please take the time to go see a doctor and clear up any uncertainties.

    God bless,


    i have no good insurance. i have medical bills out the wazoo and i dont know what else to think


    There is a Girl Help link at the top that you can look into for resources that may help you. There is even one where you can talk to a doctor to ask some questions. Do some research on how you can actively help your situation so you won’t feel like you’re in the dark. There may be other medical insurance options for you depending on your situation in life. Single mother, student, military dependant…..those types of benefits are available with ins. co’s.

    Regardless, I hope you are feeling better and if there’s anything else we can help you with please let someone know.

    God bless,


    i stopped this bleeding within 7 days but it wasnt like the rest of my periods so i was confused


    It sounds like a miscarriage to me.. I don’t understand why you need insurance to see your doctor? I live in New Zealand and it is free for people under 24 to have sexual health consultations.. Maybe it was an ectopic pregnancy followed by natural abortion? And please see a doctor, you don’t want any further complications. A friend of mine just had a full hysterectomy due to complications with her endo. This is you reproductive life.

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