Okay.. just looking for some advice

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    Just recently I had moved in with my boyfriend. Everytime we have sex, its unprotected, as we do want to have kids. As of the last few days I have just been feeling really sick to my stomach, and just tired all the time. I find myself taking naps on and off all day and he keeps asking what is wrong. Today I woke up runnin a fever and my breasts are kind of sore. I’m still about 5 days before I get my period but I’m just wondering what the chances might be that I’m pregnant? I guess it’s hard to tell this early.

    Any advice would be helpful.


    I think that you are i think that you should go get tested


    I think your probably pregnant aswell. I’d guessed about a week before my period was due that i was as i was exactly like you are now, feeling tired, taking naps, and feeling ill but not actually being ill. Take a test and don’t panic if its posotive cz what’s done is done and everything happens for a reason. I’m 16 and happily single as my ex is a waster! I’m 27 weeks pregnant and loving every minute. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Kellie xx:)


    You may be… or it could just be the weather changing.. if it is where you live haha (its gettin cold here in PA and everyones getting sick lol) Well anyway, me and my BF had unprotected sex and i got pregnant within a week so I’d say your chances are pretty high lol GOOD LUCK 😛


    sounds like it too me
    GO GET THE TEST:silly:
    good luck


    You do realise this question was asked 2 years ago, i would think she knows now HAHA

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