Oh man I need help I don’t know what to do

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms Oh man I need help I don’t know what to do

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    I don’t know if I am or not. It is to early I haven’t missed my period it won’t come till the first of the month. But I am scard out of my mind because I am to young for this to happen. I don’t know what to do I can’t tell my mom she would hate me. I have no one to talk to about this stuff so I am hopeing you guys can help me through this and help me calm down. What do you think I should do? :unsure:


    Hey! I know how u feel! I worried about being pregnant 4 a while before I actually knew I was. Just wait it out & c what happens! Rely on good friends 2 get u thru this! Any true friend will be glad 2 help. Good Luck!


    Hey girl whats up?

    You know what i really think you should do…You should just RELAX take it one day at a time and when it gets close to T.O.M then do what you gotta do. I’ve been through this just this month i thought i was pregnant but i ended up gettin T.O.M and i was ok…i was kinda madd tho for stressing so much but its all good….Just relax you need someone to talk to…u gots lots of girlz here to help…. 😉

    Jessy AKA DiMpleZz :woohoo:


    your mom wont hate you trust me! the same thing happened to my sister! But my mom was just mad at her, well disapointed,but not for long she helped my sister thru all her pregnancy! Now my niece is 2 years old and my mom loves her to death!!!I think you should just wait and see if u miss your period, and if you do take a home pregnancy test! then if you are talk to your mom!wish you luck!

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