oh gosh ladies.

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  • #27337

    so, i dont know who all knows my story. but i think i could be pregnant again. i havent missed my period yet, but i should be getting it tomorrow. atleast that is when the sugar pills start on my BC. ive been taking it, and being really good about taking it everyday. the thing is, quite a few times, i changed up the times i took it at. ive been so tired lately, and i am gaining weight like crazy. i hope its just all the crap i have been eating but something is telling me its not. im kind of terrified…


    I don’t know your story but my story started with me falling pregnant while I was on the pill. Whoever says contraception reduces pregnancy should come to a playgroup. Almost every mum in my playgroup(about 25) have fallen pregnant while on hormonal contraceptives, some even 2 or 3 times. I hope you don’t feel too terrified for long because whatever the outcome I’m sure you will handle it great.


    i actually became pregnant last november when i was on the pill, that is why i am overly worrying this time. i still havent gotten my period yet.
    what is a playgroup?

    and thank you for the encouragement :]


    A playgroup is a group of mothers that bring their child(ren) together 2 play with one another.


    hey honey…are you okay? did u find out if you were pregnant?


    play groups sound fun :] ha

    but no i am not pregnant, its probably for the best

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