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- This topic has 12 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 11 months ago by
December 21, 2007 at 5:34 am #19965
Carrie J
ParticipantHi, I’m Carrie and I’m 16. I’m about 6 weeks pregnant….I only had sex once! First i missed my period and i’ve been getting sick alot and my breasts are tender so I took 4 pregnancy tests and all were positive. My best friend is taking me to the planned parenthood clinic. I don’t know what I’m going to do!
December 21, 2007 at 8:07 pm #19972kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantHave u got good parents? Settle down and don’t stress. It only takes the once time hey. Keep us updated.
December 22, 2007 at 1:18 pm #19977alexanders_mama
ParticipantWell first off, although this may seem awkward me saying this, but congratulations! Having a child is a joy.
It does only take one time to get pregnant though. Well all I can say is that things don’t just happen for no reason, including this pregnancy.
I hope you see some of the bright things about this, other than just the negatives — yes, it will be harder to go to school, but it’s not impossible, I and many other girls on this site have done it and are doing it, yes financially it’s harder, and yes you don’t get to have all the time to yourself or to just hang out. Those are true, but they’re not the full picture.
You are going to be having a baby, and that little being inside of you already has a beating heart and all of its limbs forming, so please don’t consider abortion.
If you can’t cope with the situation, there is always adoption.
But please be brave and stand up for this child, good luck and lots of love KatDecember 23, 2007 at 10:04 pm #19983Bee92
ParticipantWell it all depends if you want to keep the baby or not? Can you suport it etc?
It’s your choice. Don’t let people push you into things that you don’t want to do.
Let me know what you do kay? xxDecember 25, 2007 at 4:14 am #19987Meg11
ParticipantHi Carrie, My name is Meagan, I know how scary it is to find out you are pregnant and not knowing what to do…I was 19 but I could just about promise you that even though you are 16 you have a lot more common knowledge than I did at 19. I was so naive when it came to how the world functioned, I didn’t do my own laundry or cook my own meals and I hated anything that required responsibility….my daughter changed my life…I was going to get an abortion because that is what her dad said I had to do and because I didn’t know what abortion really was at that time…I had no idea, all I do know is that my mo and my sister encouraged me to keep the baby and I did and I am so forever thankful, If you have not gone with your friend yet I would encourage you to not go, here is a number for Optionline, 1-800-395-HELP, it is a place where you can call free and they will give you the number and location of the closest pregnancy center where you can probably even get a Free ultrasound, they are 100% confidential and will not tell your parents and they are educated in pregnancy, the risks of abortion and they can even help you find the right way to tell your parents if you want them to, the other place your friend wants to take you will not educate you on pregnancy, the information they give you on abortion will often times be false and they are not looking out for your best interest, a womens pregnancy center is looking out for your health and for your best, I have had to learn most things the hard way, I have had a rough life and I have also made many mistakes, there is nothing that I have been through though that has ruined me, you know what I mean??? You can do this, if you choose not to be a parent then let someone else be, have you heard of Open Adoption?? There was a woman I saw yesterday and I had seen her before and knew that her daughter was adopted, as I was sitting there watching this little girl hang on her mom and dad I just about got teary eyed…I was watching her little hands move and touch and feel, right now there is a baby in your belly, those little hands are moving and touching and feeling, even though you can’t feel it yet…I am 12 weeks along with my third and I am just now starting to feel little bubbly movements, it will take a little while to feel the baby but there is a baby in there and this baby can and will change your life whether you choose to keep him/her or not, getting an abortion doesn’t get rid of the baby, just the physical responsibility or taking care of him/her. The emotional turmoil and physical risks are just not worth the life that is inside of you…life doesn’t end with unexpected pregnancies, rather it truly begins…I do not recommend getting pregnant before marriage, (I have been there twice and my kids were the ones to suffer for it and we all still suffer for it now when holidays come and my son goes one place and my daughter is home alone knowing that her other family has no desire to see her) but if you do get pregnant before marriage like you are now then you need to face the music so to speak…your parents may be mad and even yell, threaten to kick you out etc…but they will get over it in time and love that little baby just as much as you will…give yourself some time to adjust, call Optionline, go to a womens pregnancy center and begin this journey to motherhood with all the help and support you can get form us here at Standupgirl and friends and family…take a deep breath and take one step at a time…you may not feel like you are getting very far but once you are down the road a ways and hold this baby in your arms and you look back you will wonder why you were so freaked out, it is tough I will not lie but it is possible, I made it and even do my own laundry along with 4 other peoples…LOL and cook too….experience is the best teacher if you can afford the tuition…it doesn’t have to be your own experience though…feel free to borrow mine anytime, I am here to talk and share my life with you and the ups and downs…just please slow down and think of this baby as your new beginning, not a burden or a ruiner of your life…talk to you soon…Love Meg, meg@standupgirl.com
December 25, 2007 at 9:30 am #19989Anonymous
GuestHi, Carrie!
I hope this post crosses your desk before you make any decisions concerning your baby. Planned Parenthood and any other clinic that offers abortion is the easy way out. I am not attempting to tell you what to do, but I am attempting to save the life of the unborn child inside you. I am also attempting to save you from the pain, both emotional and physical pain from abortion. No body is built for that kind of trauma. Yes, people do live through the abortions, but they are usually never the same.
The life inside you is indeed a baby. Planned Parenthood and others like it will most never call that life a baby. They will call it a fetus, etc. because it becomes less personal that way. The girls they are trying to convince to have an abortion can then, somewhat disconnect from the reality they are carrying a beautiful child inside. If you will go through the nine months of carrying this child, there are other options. The baby can be given up for adoption. There is nothing wrong with giving the baby to someone who may be able to take care of it financially, etc. You will have the choice of whether the baby is to go with a family or not. If you don’t think it will be loved by a specific family, then you don’t have to allow the adoption. You could conceivably keep the baby and raise it yourself with the help of your parents and other loved ones.
Let us know what you have chosen. I am an adoptive child myself, so I am a witness adoption can be a powerful thing in the life of a child. I’ll be praying for you and thinking about you. God Bless!:)
January 2, 2008 at 3:59 am #20063HoPaLyNn
Participanthay hunny.
dont freak out.
i lost my baby because i freaked out.
and stressed it way to much.
so calm down sweetie.
everything will be okay.
keep me updated.Hopalynn 😀
January 3, 2008 at 1:37 am #20072MrsTWalsh
ParticipantWow! I know how stressful a surprise pregnancy can be. Have you talked with your parents or another adult that you can trust? Sometimes it helps to get another prospective. Have you discussed it with the father?
I know that it can seem like your world has just come crashing down when you pee on a stick and it tells you that you are having a baby. It’s surreal.I had never thought about motherhood before I became pregnant with my first child. I have learned that it is ok to not be thrilled with the news of a new baby and that doesn’t mean that you won’t love your child and be a good mother. In the beginning the idea is overwhelming. To be honest nothing could prepare me for becoming a mother. I was nervous during both of my pregnancies and I think that is normal. Pregnancy is a nerve-rackingly beautiful time. Then your child is born and they place him or her in your arms…and a change takes place. There is a definitive line drawn in your life between who you were before your baby was born and who you are after. You look down at this little person and even though you still aren’t close to having all of the answers, things begin to make sense.
Before you head into Planned Parenthood, make sure that you have looked into your options on your own and that you are informed instead of relying on the information that they give you. Hang in there and keep us updated. I am here if you ever want to talk.
January 4, 2008 at 7:19 am #20086Merla
ParticipantDont go to planned parenthood, your better off talking to a unbias source, like lifeline, or kids help line (they are australian ones anyway)or calling the pregnancy help line at the top of the site and asking them for nonbias information. What many people dont know about planned parenthood is that they actually run abortion clinic’s, so they are going to be pro choice, and given your age and situation will most likely try and convince you to terminate. What you need is someone who will discuss the best options for you, and how you will deal with this, not pressure you into something you will regret.
Have you been to your local doctor? I found my local GP was just great, they will do a blood test to confirm your pregnancy, and can often tell you how far along you are, they also test for a few other thing, like low iron, and certin things that can harm your baby.
Ju8st take a breather, have a look around this site, and talk to people, I know its scary, and your only young, but you can do it, theres heaps of girls here who have done it, with a partner or on their own, and their babys are growing up beautifully.
Goodluck girl, wherever life takes you.
April 7, 2008 at 10:27 am #20869nikkihelpme411
Participanti am almost in the same boat as you… but i know that if i am pregnant i am keeping it.
April 13, 2008 at 1:48 am #20918hopefulone
ParticipantOh please think hard before going to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. There are so many people, me included, that want a baby and cannot have one. I’m trying to adopt but it’s difficult since I’m single. I can’t have my own. There are many stories like mine out there. That baby can be loved, cared for and supported if you think you can’t do it. Let us know what you decide. I feel for you!
April 15, 2008 at 5:48 pm #20940hopefulone
ParticipantJust curious how you’re doing. Hope all is well.
April 16, 2008 at 12:32 am #20946LillieAunas_Mommy
ParticipantHi let me start off by saying congrats!!! I really hope you get enough support and try your best to just not stress out. The baby feels eveything your going through and its really not good to be so stress out. Keep us updated!!
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