Not sure if preggers

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    I need some advice on this, because what I have been feeling lately I have never felt before.

    I have been with my bf for 8 months – which to me is not that long to be getting pregnant……….my period is about every 4 – 5 weeks but this month it is nearly 6 weeks………..last week and the week before I noticed that I went to the toilet alot in the morning……………then I also noticed I had been grumpy with my bf for about 3-4 days on the trot………… I usually am only grumpy a few days b4 my period but only for 1 day………………..I then went on this site and read about the symtoms………….which i kinda related to……….last sat i got a preg test…………but it came back negative……………..but you can’t always be sure……………..then yesterday I noticed that a had a small bit of blood and i kept cheking and by the night time………..there was hardly nothing there……….usually once I noticed a lil bit it starts straight away……….this morning I noticed that there was still nothing but as the day has gone on it is getting a bit heavier, but very different to normal………….

    I need some answers………………I am going to the Doctor’s tomorrow but I am still a bit unsure……………I did read that you can still have a period and be pregnant………..what do you think………..maybe I am overreacting because I have worried so much and now I have come on???:S


    Well if the blood is not bright red then it is old blood and you may be pregnant but you will only know for sure if you go to the doctor.
    Good luck

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