Sperm stays inside of you for at least ten days.So,if you were ovulating chances are you are pregnant.But,it’s to soon to tell….Until your missed period.Don’t stress to much or don’t eat unhealthy that can cause you to not have your period or maybe even working out a lot.If your period is regular and you track your period and it doesn’t come consult a doctor and make sure you confront your boyfriend about this too.If not,then I’m sure he’ll be pissed.I’m 8 weeks and 5 days and I’m 14.Lol :)But my advice to you is that wait until your missed period.Pregnancy tests aren’t always accurate so take a blood test.They tell you everything….And take a pee test and a cheek swab so you can know if you have any stds.It will be good for you.Boys will lie and say they don’t have anything.It’s good to know.Never hurts to ask a good question that can probably save you’re life,right? 😛
Sincerely,Rae <3