not sure if im having a baby

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    [b]I am not sure if im having a baby. I have had 2 chidren before but this time,
    I feel so diffrent. I am having my periods like clockwork, but i feel movement in my lower abdomen. My husband and i were watching T V last night and he had his hand on my belly. He looked at me and asked me if i felt that? I said yes there was movement. After a little while there was a thumping felling in my belly . I am not sure if a am so if anyone can help me underatand this i would like a reply or if anyone went through the same thing!!


    I personally didn’t go through this but I know a lady who did. She was overweight and didn’t know until she was into labour, and she was soooo shocked, as were we. She had gotten all 9 of her periods and she had a healthy babygrl. Sometimes, nature works miracles but the only thing that kept me going the first few weeks is to know that there is no more tampons for a good while and I was happy at the thought, but maybe you are feeling everything sooner and you just had a couple of periods and I think that you would owe to having 2 children, so you can feel the movements alot sooner than a firsttimer. Good luck and see a doctor


    whatever happened? are you pregnant? did you take a test or go to a doctor? the reason i ask is because i am going through the same thing. i have been feeling lots of movement in my lower abdomen even when i’m not paying attention. i have 4 other children so i know what the movements feel like, but this time i have been having my periods. i don’t know what to do. i didn’t want to go to a doctor because i felt too embarrassed. like they would say it was gas. but i just feel like i am pregnant. i have had heartburn and nausea and dizziness…food cravings and aversions. all of which lead me to think i am pregnant. except i have been having my periods, although they have not been coming like they used to. the past few months they have come about 4-5 =days too soon. i was afraid to test thinking that the test would turn out negative due to the "period". does anyone else have thoughts on this? i’m going crazy.

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