Not showing

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  • #21628

    So my friend is 14 and pregnant and she went to the doctor and found out she was just about 5 months. But she’s not showing at all. She said she feels bloated but doesnt look like "fatter" or bigger you know.

    Is that a concern for not showing so late? or is that normal for some girls to show later in their pregnancy?

    Your help would be highly appreciated

    thank you!


    i really didnt start showing until i was 6 months pregnant, so from my experience, its normal.


    Well, if the doctor wasn’t concerned, than I wouldn’t worry about it. Especially if she is a heavy girl.
    A lot of times the belly will all of a sudden ‘pop out’ and she’ll start showing.
    Let us know how it works out! 🙂

    princess Angela

    It is nothing to worry about i didnt start really showing until i was at least 6 months and then i became a balloon hahah she should thank that she isnt huge because i wanted a big belly and got it now i just want him out…. It’s very hard to sleep although i am 37weeks. But she will get her belly nothing to worry about.

    Hope this helps

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