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  • #11585

      em not looking to be pregnant at all as im only going into my second year at uni and use protection properly! iv taking another two tests and they are all negitive so i think im just being paranoid as i always think this! iv had my period three times now so i think the first test i did was a mistake co si wasnt doing it properly! i also have no symptoms at all! and im coming to my thrid month of possibly being pregnant so i think i should have some of the sypmtoms by now wat do you think?

      i will go to the doctor when i get back to uni in sept as im in florida for the next few weeks! but i think i should be ok

      thanks for the help!


        Well, if your first test came back positive, and the other two negative, as well as the fact that you’ve gotten your period three times, I think that you may have miscarried your baby. I’m truly sorry if that’s what happened. I really am. That child will always be yours, even if he/she’s gone.

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