No Symptoms

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    Is it normal to have no symptoms at all?? I am 11 weeks pregnant, and I haven’t had many symptoms at all. At first my breasts were a little sore but that dissapeared a while ago, I used to be tired but that also has been gone for a long time. No cravings, no morning sickness (except occasionally, but I’ve never actually thrown up), I’m just nervous that I am going to miscarry. I heard the heart beat at 6 weeks, and I have another ultrasound next week, but I’m anticipating to not hear it again. I’m sure my fear is irrational but I need some reassurance. :dry: Has anyone else ever felt this way? Or had no symptoms at all? Thanks,


    [i]Dont fret…i was the same way with my daughter..its just means your going to haev an easy pregnancies…Lucky you..Wheni was preg with my daughter i had morning sickness for a wk then nothing and i had tons of energy..I’m now 38 wks with a baby boy and have miserable the whole time..everything makes me sick i never have any energy horrible back pain the whole thing..Hey look at this way you might be having a beautiful baby girl…i knew when i was sick and tired all the time this time it was a boy cause their a pain in the rear anyway..LOL :sick: 🙂


    you and your baby are fine…..i have only had minimal symptons….mostly i am tired, eat alot, and go to the bathroom quite a bit….i usually only get nausous feeling…i have only thrown up four times and i am 13 wks…….if you haven’t had symptoms you are lucky!…..

    gina lynn

    you shouldnt worry so much. stress is not good for the baby. many people (although unfortunately i was not one of them) go through the entire pregnancy without a single symptom. and now that your almost reaching your second trimester that is when most symptoms either get less or go away altogether. it’s called the "feel good trimester" this is also when the risk of miscarriage drops dramatically, so dont worry so much. everything is probably just fine.;)

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