No period, Neg. Blood & HPT test.. NEED ADVICE!

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    Please give me some type of advice;

    My last period was OCT. 13, 09. Me & my boyfriend are, of course sexually active. We had sex the weekend I was ovulating ( . About 3-4 weeks ago, i spotted for a day or two. I thought it was my period but my period never came. Since then, I’ve taken 3 preg. tests ALL NEG.

    On friday, i got a blood test done and it was neg. as well. could it still be too early to tell ? if i am prego, im only a couple of weeks. I have a gyno apptmnt this wednesday so they should be able to figure something out.

    the last week, my stomach has been cramping very bad. It feels like period cramps but “different”. still no period.. & yes i have all the symptoms EXCEPT morning sickness, breast tenderness.

    please help me !


    it was same as mine!

    when i was pregnant
    i felt what you feel,,
    that time i thought ill just gonna
    have my period then
    i was 2weeks late since i found out..

    and im suppose to be 12weeks pregnant now..
    but i wasnt strong enough..

    if ever your pregnant think twice..
    and think whats good to your baby and yourself..


    It could be a number of things…you could be stressed and that could make you not have your period. But im unsure… :dry: You could also be pregnant….when was ur blood test done?? What day is ur gyno appt???
    There are multiple things that could be the reason for your period not coming. And regarding the signs of pregnancy-sometimes the mind plays tricks on you when you first start to think you’re pregnant. And then your body reacts… :unsure: but as I said I’m unsure. It’s my opinion…anyhow if you would like you can respond on my page by adding me. I would like to be of all the help I can.
    As I am pregnant myself and if you are I can help you out with all I’ve been told and know.
    Wishing you the best:


    ive been experiancing the same thing and i would like to know what the deal is. every one ive talked to says ur ok.. i have the “period cramp” feeling too but no period.. i bleed for about 3 days and stops. and its constant cramping.. i have not taken a HPT, yet. i dont know if i should wait til my next period comes around or not. i think it could still be too early for a test to come up positive. and stressing about it will make your cycle throw it off as well.. all i can say is google things or ask other females like u have posted on here. good luck! best wishes!



    It could be to early to tell, or there could just be something that is wrong. I’m not trying to scare you. But you could not be getting your period if your stressed. About seven months before I got pregnant I stopped having a period and was told I could never have children. But they was wrong.


    My last period was Oct. 13th. My next period was due Nov. 14th [never came]. my gyno apptmnt was Nov. 27th., i took the blood test that same day.

    i have another apptmnt tomorrow. . Dec. 2nd. so maybe ill get some answers.

    — but im sure i was not stressed about anything. maybe it is my mind, but this has never happened to me. ive always had a regular period!


    giirrrlll. I’ve googled so many different possibilities lol.. but i think u should wait it out a little bit longer. I think thats what i have to do. But i had a miscarriage in july so the last thing i want is to have another one because its the worst feeling in the world.. and to make matters worse, i didnt know i was pregnant “/ but i hope all goes well for you


    If you are pregnant it could be just too early, Seriously, People need to stop rushing for a pregnancy test every time they feel pregnant.

    If you’ve never been pregnant, how do you know you what it feels llike?

    and a lot of pregnancy sympthoms don’t happen till later on, the pregnancy sympthoms could all be in your head.

    I hope you get what you want though.

    if you are pregnant and thats what you wanted, congrats =]]

    I’m 35 weeks =] waiting for her to be here; 😛

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