No period and negative HPT Result, Now what

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    HI there i am a few days late for my period and i took a HPT and it was negative but my period still hasn’t came. I don’t really have any other symptoms. Please give me advise i don’t know what to do.


    hey sweety!
    well, i suggest you, to wait some days and make another hpt,or maby you’r period will come.
    did you had any stressfull situation in the past days/weeks? this can also affect your period, or if you started to take the birthcontroll pills, or started takin new one… there are many things that can make your period come late…
    you should not worry 2much, wait a few days, and when there still wont be nothing u should make another HPT or make a test on a clinic.
    wish u luck*


    Wait another week and then take another HPT if you don’t end up having your period. If it is still negative, wait another week and then make an appointment to have a blood test done. Try not to worry too much, sometimes our bodies just get out of wack.

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