No Good Baby Father

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  • #13446

    Thanks for all the advice


    You say you want him in your child’s life… but you also call him no good baby father. I think the second one is closer to the truth. If you couldn’t count on him to treat YOU right, I don’t see how you can count on him to treat your baby right too. If you’re worried about your child not having a male influence, especially if it’s a son you might try Big Brothers Big Sisters or a godfather or something, but your ex is NOT a good role model and kids do model their values after their parents


    i have two words for you CHILD SUPPORT……..if he thinks that he can go out and cheat on you then get that girl and you pregnant and not pay then he has another thing comming!!……..i’m srry for sounding forward but that’s just how i feel…..


    I can just imagine how hard your situation is. But, why would you want a man like that in your life? why in your baby’s life? You have gotten this far without him, and you don’t need a man to drag you down. i know how love can change a person. But be logical and yes listen to your heart. Aren’t you heartbroken? once a cheater, always a cheater and you don’t need to stress yourself right now. The best way, in my opinion, is to do your thing and raise your child and make him regret how much he missed, and maybe he’ll beg for forgiveness and wants in your childs life and if that doesn’t happen, you’ll find someone MUCH better than him, who will take care of you and love your and your child.’

    Best of luck

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