Hey there, My name is Meg….I suggest contacting optionline.org , Go to their site, Enter your postal code and it will give you the contact info for the closest Pregnancy Help Center near you where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test, many of them have ultrasounds available too….I am not a doctor so I can’t really say one way or another what is going on with you…..The only way you will find out for sure what is going on with your body is to take a test and or be seen by a doctor….Optionline.org is a good first place to start….In the meantime, Please avoid all sexual contact so that if you are not pregnant, you do NOT risk pregnancy while you wait to find out…make sense? If you have not talked with your parents yet, then I take it you feel they may not be proud of your decision to engage in sexual activity….It might be a good time to talk with them, break the ice and let them know about the decisions you have made, that way, if you are pregnant, or end up pregnant, they will be a little more prepared to hear news like that as they will know you have placed yourself at risk, same thing with your boyfriend….I would let him know you are worried, if he reacts really bad and you turn out not to be pregnant, you will at least see what he is made of before its too late….Anyways, I am here for you and I hope you will write back and let me know what you find out! Love Meg