New Here! I Need to Just let it out

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    Last year when I was seventeen I told my parent I’m pregnant Sadly my family suggests that I have abortion at 8weeks pregnant I had a miscarriage On Labor Day 2004 everybody in my family was relieve that I wasn’t going to have a baby I was devastated because it felt like a part of me was missing .My Boyfriend and I vowed to not get pregnant again until we both have our lived settle Even through me and him was devastated that we lost our first child all because of stress form both side you my see Boyfriend mom told him I need to kill our child to because she don’t want to be grandma and that I was going to ruin his life .but we didn’t care because him and I felt we loved each other and nothing was going stop us from being together after that our relationship fell apart and we didn’t know how deal with each other because I felt like how can look him in his face and act like every thing was okay and he felt the same way so took thing slow and worry about us then every started to fit again then in November 2004 I skip a period and I didn’t nothing was wrong because I just had miscarriage and just started a new birth control last month it was until November 23, 2004 that my boyfriend suggest we go get a pregnancy test He went brought a three pack of Clearblue as I sat a his house scared that if I was pregnant again and how we going to tell our family again so he return with it and I took one and then I left the bathroom to talk to him about what we were going to do he suggest that we keep it a secret until we felt our family was ready to hear the news he went to get the test and on the digital screen it said pregnant I broke out in tears because I just had a miscarriage two month ago and I thought can the baby have a birth defect or my cervix may not be strong enough for that . So in December I had a follow-up Appointment with my OB/GYN and I decide that after the appointment I was going tell my family
    After I told my doctor what was going on he schedule my prenatal Appointment After the I let and got home I told my family I was pregnant again and they All said I did on purpose but it was truly Accident because I wasn’t worry abut children At that time I just started school again and my grade were perfect now I’m 26 weeks and expecting a boy on July 16, 2005 and I’m scared because this is my first child and I don’t know what labor going to feel like and I worry something might go wrong doing that time my family now Accept that I pregnant and I going to have my son but I’m Also scared that me and my boyfriend won’t be good parents to our son I talk to every one and all they is don’t you’ll be great !!
    I’m just scared about going in labor and what it going fell like

    :unsure: :unsure:


    well labor for me was a little on the easy side. i went 10 1/2 hours without any pain medication. i finally asked for the epideral. my labor was 12 hours long. i only pushed twice and my son was born. the only thing was he was 5lbs 2oz. 19inches long. i had a really bad pregnancy. i had many complications. my son was premature by one month. i can tell you i remember it hurting but i really couldn’t give you an example because once you see your baby the pain will go away. i can only remember him, the way he looked, the way cried, and the feeling i got when i held him for the first time. It is scarry but once your there its not so bad. GOOD LUCK and don’t worry it will be ok.


    labor is a cinch. i had fun pushing. i felt like i was in a movie and i was the hero. just have fun. i had a lot of drama in my pregnancy from my bf because i wanted adoption and he freaked so he stalked me day and night. n e way, i let my first pregnancy experience pass me up cuz i was so tense the whole time. try to enjoy it. he is your first and you’ll never forget your first.

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