Just wanted everybody to know i had my son on the 1st of Dec..amd just to kind of give some of the preg girls hope….my son was born at 37 wks 4 days and weighed in at a healthy 7 lbs 15 oz and a whopping 21 1/2 inches..and is healthy and beautiful…I was so miserable thought i would be preg forever but while staying at my mother in laws my water broke at 2 am on the friday i had my son…labor started at 4 am and i had him at 3:16 pm. he is the most rpecious little boy and my daughter absolutly loves her baby brother..I got the perfect christmas present this yr!!The drs said if he would have went to my due date he would have been 9 lbs or over and 22 to 23 inches long..Thank god he came early..