hi im 16 and a half years old from australia i was in a partnership with jayden for about five months at first he seemed like the perfect bf he soon changed about a month in he started telling me that no one would want me then things got worse and he would hold me down and rape me when i told him i could be pregnant he punched me so hard that i dobbled ova then when i missed my period a month later i didnt tell anyone but after i did a test and found out i was five weeks pregnant i told jayden and he kept changing his mind one min he was nice and the next he was telling me he was going to kill us both so i pressed charges and got an avo but he continued to txt and call me i was really depressed and once i had my beautiful baby boy i had so many problems bonding that i had to go into a mother baby unit and that helped alot but agian i got in contact with his dad agian i got depressed from there i tryd to commit suicide and came within min of death then i went into a camhs and got help for my depression but now dhs have given my perants custody and i can only have visitation with him and i dont get to live at home i have court monday and im so worried that there going to put my son in foster care i love my son with all my heart and i would never do anything to hurt him i just want my son bak !:‘(