need to know

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  • #12715

    [color=#800080]hi there ya all

    i had my abortion 3 weeks ago and lately ive been getting brown discharge i dont know if this is meant to happen after abortions. but if anyone can tell me if iam or not that will be really helpful to me.

    Many thanks


    I would probably go to your doctor or call a health line and ask. Someotimes thats normal for the rest of the "tissue " to shed and it can clot. However if you ever pass a blood clot larger then a loonie you should go to the hospital immediatly. Sometimes discharge after giving birth or abortions can last upto 6 weeks. make sure its not fresh blood though, so it should be brown or darker in color. As long as its not bright red for more then a week or two and not too heavy.

    Let me know if you need anything. i like to read alot so I have a brain full of info. If i dont know I’ll find out

    Hope everythings ok



    Hey, brown discharge is usually what is left from blood or w/e is left there. I remember bleeding for 3 weeks after my abortion, so you’re lucky enough that it has stopped. You have to check with your doctor after your abortion, which I’m sure you know. They have to take swabs to make sure that there is no infection there and if there has been any comlications. But don’t worry about the brown discharge, but make sure you go to the doctor. Take care of yourself and don’t get into sex if you don’t want it, especially since you are under stress emotionally. And don’t worry yourself too much, after my abortion I had all sorts of things i was worried about like whether i can have children again, wtc. I’m pregnant now and it’s going great, and the abortion was just a hard lesson learned. Good luck 🙂

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