need some help please

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      🙁 I had been having symptoms of preg. for several weeks, it is almost time for my period, but the symptoms seem to have almost gone away. My boobs are sore and swollen a little sometimes but not like they were about a week or so ago and I have a lot of trouble getting comfortable at night sleeping because I feel like I am gonna throw up and also if I lay on my sides, it feels like something is kind of lightly jabbing me in the side. i have had 2 c-sections and where my scar is, it seems like the scar inside has moved up a lot here lately and my lower abdomn is a little firmer than usual. I have NO sypmtoms of my period at all. I am not as interested in having sex, haven’t lost the total desire, but it has diminished a bit. I have aches all over sometimes. I have had a faint headache everyday for about a week or so. I am always tired no matter how much sleep I have gotten. I have taken 4 tests, all come up neg, but I figure that it is still too early. I have gained a little weight but not noticable by others. It’s like enough that my 2 month old pants are a little snugger. To look at me ( myself looking) I can tell that my stomach is a little bigger. Could I be pregnant or could it be something else? Please help. :ermm:

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