For the last week i have been suffering all of the symptons of being pregnant, constant nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, some cramping and about 2 weeks ago i had some slight spotting, now i am also having sense of smell and taste issues. My dilema is i have a mirena IUD in that was implanted in Nov 2004 as well as PCOS. I have 2 children already that i needed fertility treatment with to even fall pregnant so i am feeling that the chances are about 1 million to 1 that i am pregnant. All of the symptons that i am experiencing are almost identical from when i was pregnant with my daughter. I have done 3 pregnancy tests at all different times of the day the last one being first thing in the morning and they were all negative. I have an appt with my Dr on Fri but was just wandering if anyone else with the above conditions have ever fallen pregnant.