need help to know if this is implantation bleeding

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      hey you all. how are you? well i am just wondering about a couple of things. first of all i am on the depo shot but it should have just stopped working sometime around now. i has been three months. but i know alot of ppl who have gotten preg on the shot. anyhow. i am supposed to start my period in a week to a week and a half from now. but my bf and i have unprotected sex regularly..stupid but do it anyway…so two days ago i went to the bathroom and glanced at my panties and there was thick brown stuff. not sure if it is my period early and messed up cuz the shot or if it is implantation bleeding. i have been kinda sensitive to smell tho in the past couple of days since like saturday. some smells just make me gag.. so what do you think implantation bleeding or not? πŸ˜‰ thanks much muah


        im 13 yrs old and im 7 months preg
        i got brown stuff in my nics aswell that was about 2 weeks before i found out i was pregnant
        but u can only get pregnant the day an egg is realised so if ur period is soon then u must of had sex the period before last on the day an egg was realised
        just because i got this 2 weeks before i found out i was pregnant doesnt meen to say that u are
        so take a hpt soon-ish and hope for wot ever u want
        keep me posted
        gd look
        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


          hey you all. how are you? well i am just wondering about a couple of things. first of all i am on the pill and i had sex with my boyfriend why my period can i be preanat

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