Need help so scared

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    Im 16 sophomore in internet school and pregnant. Im not for sure what to do. The father said I had to get an abortion or he wouldnt be around anymore. I love him but I dont think I could live knowing I killed my child. I already suffer from depession and Im pretty abortion would throw me over the edge. My dad was pretty calm when I told him he doesnt know I want to keep it though. I need some help please. Im scared and feel alone when it comes to this. Any advice or past experiences would be very helpful. Thank you .


    You do not need to have an abortion just to please your boyfriend.there are plenty of people out there that will help you get through your pregnancy and there after. you are not alone. i got pregnant when i was 17. about ready to go into my senior year. my bf at the time was only 16… we both made it through school and graduated on time. yes it was a struggle not being able to go out with our friend or do things we used to do, but the joy and love you get as a mom the first time your baby kicks it the best feeling in the world. i would not for one second change our decision.our daughter is now almost 3 and is in perfect health.if I had decided to go get an abortion i would have never gotten the chance to see her start potty training, or learn her first word. bottom line is your baby already has a heartbeat,and is starting to develope organs and lungs to breath on its own… your baby has life now! 🙂

    please dont get an abortion. there are places in your area pregnancy resouce centers that will help you get on track .the help line can get all that info for you. the number is 1866 942 6466. also please keep in touch with me i would love to talk with you through it or if you have any more questions! 🙂



    My personal advice? Dont listen to the baby daddy. Put him on child support if he doesnt want to help [etc] his loss. I’m also in internet school and 16[almost 17]. I got pregnant at 15, and has my son at 16. My son is currently 7months, and we are doing just fine. You can do it you just need to stay strong and know what you want.


    abortion was THE WORST experience of my life sweetie.. the whole process took over 7hours. then when they ask you to sit on the table usually make you listen to the heartbeat right before the procedure.. i cried before during and after. still cry and wake up in night sweats with horrible anxiety. but if your mind is alrealy set, just make sure you have ALOT of support.. i will be here for you either way. tell me if you need to talk, i can give you my email or something.


    I agree 100% with modeling mommy. My Biggest regret is having an abortion and as someone with major depression and anxiety disorders, it was not good for my mental health. Three years down the line and I am still affected by it.

    Your baby is not a lump of tissue, and that is what the abortionists fail to tell you and its not “crueltly free”.The further you are into your pregnancy, the more complicated it gets… Love Eva


    Dear “need advice” I don’t want this to sound cold, but chances are the daddy won’t be around anyway, not because he doesn’t love you, but because people change, they grow in different directions, this time you had together (and may still have) needs to be cherished and accepted. The point now is you both have a new life that is being brought into this world and whether you stay together or not your duty to that child is to give them as much love and support as you possibly can. Remember you are designing this little one into who and what they may become. So give it all you got..LOL!!! I had my son 37 years ago, his father got involved in drugs & has been mentally messed up for many years, even then I knew that the choices he made were not going to effect our lives. As much as I loved him way back then, I did move on (as he did, in his choices) and have had a wonderful life. So, please know that life is a journey and you have been given this little companion to travel with, don’t ever take that for granted….Bless you and stay strong

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