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    I’m 6 months pregnant, I’m excited for my son. So is his father. I have family support which is great… except how do I tell my mother she needs to step off a bit??

    We lost my brother a few years ago, and now everything bout my son somehow gets brought right back to my brother. She even wants me to give Valentine Lukas’ middle name which I couldn’t possibly do. How do I ask someone who is still griving, and is really sick to back off a bit.

    My mother is still grieving, and she’s manic depressive. I’ve gotten used to her not being much of a mom and more of a good friend.. but now she’s just making things really hard.. I miss my brother as well, and sometimes it’s really hard for me. I’ve tried to make the best of it though. She’s just not understanding Valentine is a diffrent boy, who will have his own personality. Or that I’m his mother, and I’ll be the one who has to take care of him. I don’t know how to tell her to back off a bit, and just let me breath…

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